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469 posts found

Oct 10 2024
In the colorful tapestry of Italian idioms, there’s a phrase that should resonate deeply with our profession: “Non avere peli sulla lingua.”  Literally translated as “don’t have hair on the tongue.” This vivid expression encapsulates a principle that should be at the core of every dental practice – to speak the truth plainly and ... [continue reading]
Oct 10 2024
One of our faithful readers, Dr. John Smith, of Logan, sent me a clipping that talked about our (dentists’) preoccupation (OK, obsession) with detail. The philosophical questions asked were that if we become so focused on minutia, do we lose track of the big picture? And what does a professional lifetime of minutia focusing do to us? We all ... [continue reading]
Sep 4 2024
Some restaurants keep a photo of the local food critic in the kitchen.  The theory is that if someone notices that she’s in the dining room, everyone can up their game.  Some musicians wait for a talent agent to be in the crowd.  If they really kill it tonight, they could get the big break they have been hoping for. The better plan, of ... [continue reading]
Sep 4 2024
I️ am certain my title has captured your attention with this ’80s symbol of teenage angst. Who amongst us can say that they have no idea who Ferris Bueller was? In fact if you are like me and you have kids, it was one of the popular culture exposures from my childhood that I️ imposed upon my kids juxtaposed with my husband’s Eminem ... [continue reading]
Aug 15 2024
Some years ago, I was in New York City doing an interview as an ADA spokesperson. I returned from the studio to my hotel and picked up my bag. It had been a long day already, and I was tired. It was hot and humid, so I loosened my tie and walked out to grab a cab to the airport. This was in the pre-Uber era and my shoulders slumped as I saw the ... [continue reading]
Aug 15 2024
There are many who feel the profession of dentistry, the private practice model, and the ADA are being threatened by DSOs, leading to the loss of professionalism, extinction of the private practice model and collapse of the ADA. I disagree. Our attitude towards, and reaction to the DSO model may jeopardize our future more than the mere existence ... [continue reading]
Jul 12 2024
I have a patient who is a professor of languages and I always enjoy our conversations during his appointments. Our latest discussion was regarding his current fascination with “conversational” Latin. My experience with the language regards the static form, as a written method of communication and the foundation of the romance languages, which ... [continue reading]
Jul 12 2024
I have been accused more than once of publishing academic piddly pooh not of much clinical utility and readily admit that I have, at least a few times, resorted to the CNN – and Fox News – tactic of info-flation. So I thought I’d provide some really useful advice to any grandparents my age, either to-be or considering more active engagement ... [continue reading]
Jun 18 2024
Two months before his death, author Jack London was discussing life and living with a group of his friends. He said the following, and it has become generally known as London’s Credo. “I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be ... [continue reading]
Jun 18 2024
I️t still surprises me that I️ always feel a flush of emotion when I️ hear the American National Anthem, especially when it is sung in a stadium. It is still particularly unexpected since I️ was ... [continue reading]
The views expressed in the articles and columns on are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the view of the Ohio Dental Association (ODA). The columns are intended to offer opinions, information and general guidance and should not be construed as legal advice or as an endorsement by the ODA. Further, information posted on is not an endorsement by the ODA and should be viewed on an informational basis by users of the website. Dentists should always seek the advice of their own legal counsel regarding specific circumstances.